St. Johns River State College Health Sciences
Required to utilize sustainable (“green”) and Low Impact Development (LID) techniques for this 35,000 sq. ft. Health Science classroom building, the landscape is organized into a series of bio-swales filled with gravel, native grasses, and bald cypress trees. Other sustainable features of the site include a 186-space efficient parking lot design, pervious paving blocks in parking bays, carpool parking spaces, and electric car charging stations.
The landscape design, developed by Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc., uses all native plants, and LID stormwater techniques, coupled with a low volume irrigation design that utilizes retention pond water. Green Globes awarded 3 Globes Certification for sustainability and environmental appropriateness.

St. Johns River State College Landscape Master Plan
The campuses of the St. Johns River State College are committed to sustainable design. The College retained Marquis Latimer + Halback Inc. to develop a landscape master plan to unify the three campuses. The firm has completed the Programming & Conceptual Design portion, which analyzed the landscape character and environmental influences of the three campuses.
This document contributed to the Tree Campus USA designation awarded to SJR State College. Furthermore, the landscape master plan has become a guide for long-term phased implementation of site improvements.