Located in the Nation’s Oldest City of St. Augustine, Florida, Marquis Latimer + Halback has earned a distinct reputation for creating unique design solutions and compelling images of change. We offer a variety of planning, design & management services. The team at ML+H create environments that are functional, creative and sustainable.
St. Anastasia Church
ML + H was retained as the prime consultant, responsible for overall planning and project coordination, in addition to the detailed landscape architectural site design. The program required a 21,000 square foot Christian Formation Building combining a parish hall, classrooms, choir rehearsal room, meeting rooms, and a commercial grade kitchen.

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Baptist South

Collector Inn & Gardens

UF Whitney Lab Cottages

The St Augustine Amphitheatre

Colonial Quarter

Sea Colony

Anastasia Church

The Sketchbook
A digital publication about the spaces where culture, history, environment, and community converge