Andrew Young Crossing
St. Augustine, Florida
While leading a non-violent march for civil rights on June 6, 1964 to the town Plaza, Andrew Young, a senior aide for Martin Luther King, Jr., was brutally beaten in the streets of St. Augustine. This incident, and other actions in our community had a profound impact on the nation, leading to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. To commemorate Andrew Young’s courageous leadership, Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc. provided pro-bono services and oversight to create a simple, but compelling memorial that tells the story of non-violence and the struggle for equality.

Bridge of Lions Restoration
St. Augustine, Florida
Built in 1927, this historic bridge has undergone a complete rehabilitation. As a member of the Bridge Design Team and responsible for the Public Participation Program and conceptual design, Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc. provided historic research and analysis, as well as landscape architectural design services for the improvement of the bridge’s historic approaches and parks located on the east and west ends.

UF / Historic St. Augustine Strategic Plan
St. Augustine, Florida
The University of Florida and a team of planners, architects, engineers, and exhibit specialists developed a plan to guide the management of the State-owned historic properties in downtown St. Augustine. As the responsible steward for the management of the properties, the University required careful research and evaluation of the existing assets as well as a sustainable financial model for operations. Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc. provided local guidance on the landscape architectural and urban design issues.

Florida Capitol Center Complex
Tallahassee, Florida
Joined by wide angled pedestrian entrances from the House and Senate, and a grand civic space between the old and new Capitol provides the citizens of Florida the opportunity to embrace the freedoms of assembly and speech. The complex serves as a setting for State ceremonies, historic elements and landscapes. Included around the complex are roadway, parking and landscape improvements that unify the Capitol streetscape with the downtown area. Providing a new setting for the State capitol, Frederick Halback successfully linked the restored 1902 beaux-arts historic State capitol with the new 1978 neoclassicism complex.

Lincolnville Landscape Master Plan
St. Augustine Florida
The Lincolnville Historic District is an area of the city of St. Augustine established by freedmen following the American Civil War and located on the southwest peninsula of the “nation’s oldest city.” It was designated as an historic district in 1991 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Lincolnville Landscape Master Plan seeks to reinforce the neighborhood’s historic charm and character to help improve long-term livability for residents. Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc. served as the consultant on a neighborhood-wide effort to evaluate and improve the historic landscape character.

Matanzas Seawall Restoration
St. Augustine, Florida
The Seawall Reconstruction Project is a result of tropical storm and hurricane damage to the historic seawall built in 1833 by West Point cadet engineers. Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc. was hired to determine the feasibility of this flood control project. Duties included researching pertinent issues, synthesizing the information into easily understandable graphics and reports, and presenting it to citizens in a series of carefully planned public meetings and design workshops.